About Burning Burg

)'( Burning Burg is the oldest recurring Burn Event in Germany. It was introduced in 2008 as The German Burner Meeting. Up to 110 national and international burners co-create Burning Burg together at the picturesque Lutter Castle. Besides workshops, fire and festivities, there is a Q&A session with first timer guidance for Burning Man and regional Burn Events. The atmosphere is that of a big family garden party with workshops. This gathering is a family friendly event, people looking for a rave or orgy burn might find themselves disappointed.
The event was inspired by Burning Man. We are also based on the same principles. Everyone attending co-creates the event by bringing art, doing shifts, offering workshops or acitvities or food or drinks or infrastructure or (for example) a costume camp.


Warning Label

The whole event is a community production. If you want something there, you need to bring it or make it happen. Everything at, before and after this event is done by the attendants: Organization, funding, build up and clean up. Everyone is expected to throw serious time, work, effort and money into their part of participation and everyone is expected to clean up after themselves. You heard of free booze and party at burning man? It is one part of the experience. The other part is doing something spectacular enough to give back to the community. If this sounds intriguing to you: consider attending.

Tl;dr: : No spectators. It only works if everyone does their share.


Event Information

Here we go!

Food is not included in the admission. You need to bring enough food for yourselves. There are four fridges in the indoor kitchens to keep your stuff cool, but they are always full, so try to reduce stuff that needs cooling.

Beverages are not included in the admission.

There are plenty kitchens and living rooms indoor to have a great time in. And then there is the huge castle hall called palas.

Bigger art, domes, community tents need placing by us. No PA-Soundsystems if you don't take care of GEMA fees beforehand. We can´t keep you guys from bringing a small bluetooth speaker for your personal enjoyment though.

As the castlegrounds are surrounded by the town, we need to be quiet outside at night and reasonably quiet at day. Same goes for everywhere in the house. You can be loud IN the Palas (a large extra room) day and night, but please keep the door closed.

No art grants and no money for your projects
In order to keep the monetary entry level as low as possible, we only collect the rent plus event insurance from you. As we do not collect an excess to that, we can not have art grants or the like.
For next time: Request an art grant from germanburners.org (funding not limited to Burning Burg art).

How we organise co-creation
We organise via an online spreadsheet. Every attendant gets access to that sheet and fills in his part. In that sheet you find shifts that need to be covered, workshop and activity timeslots, space for workshop and activity explanation. Email us if you have questions about artplacing. Otherwise (if it is legal and not harmful and does not need resources that we would need to pay for): put it in the sheet and do it. Do not email us your ideas. Skip the email and fill the spreadsheet yourselves. We might ask you for changes though.

More information:
For more detailed information, click here to download the survival guide with more important information: here.

We value our privacy at this event, Press or Media are not welcome.

Filming for documentaries is not allowed.

Ask the Orga-Team if you have further Questions.



REGISTRATION has started.

HOW TO GET ADMISSION: First read all the info on this website and the survival guide with more information, which you can download from here. Then put your part of co-creation in the online spreadsheet. Only after doing all of the above: Request your ticket at our online Registration page.
The registration page is German. Use Google-Translate or ask the Orga-Team if you have questions.

Admission ends Tuesday June 17th at 16:00 o'clock CEST or when sold out.

Prices for 2025 are still to be announced

Bunk bed in the HOUSE
Most rooms in the house have 4-6 beds. The few rooms with two beds are reseved for families with kids.
Residing in a tent, car, caravan or RV counts as camping.
No discounts if you are not in for the whole ride.
Admissions can be resold or gifted, but we need the registration for every participant.

DURATION: Thursday June19th 1pm to Sunday June 22nd 4pm.
Message the Orga-Team if you need early entry for a build.
